I Objective
As the Singapore population ages rapidly, there is a need to have more trained professionals to work in relevant professions.
The Ngee Ann Kongsi will offer up to 12 Post-Graduate Scholarships in Social Sciences annually, commencing in 2015.
II Criteria
1 Singapore citizens or permanent residents pursuing a post-graduate programme in social sciences in any of the Ministry of Education’s approved institutions, namely the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology & Design, Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University of Social Sciences.
2 Applicant is to be recommended by the institution of study, i.e. the institution shall shortlist the applicants for The Ngee Ann Kongsi to consider. The Ngee Ann Kongsi reserves the right not to consider applications submitted directly to Kongsi by individuals.
3 Applicant to provide two character referees.
4 The Ngee Ann Kongsi shall select the applicants for interview.
5 The awardee shall undertake to complete the programme and secure employment in the relevant profession upon graduation and commit to work in the said profession for at least two consecutive years. Failing which, the awardee shall repay the same scholarship amount received to The Ngee Ann Kongsi.
6 The Scholarship shall be used to pay the tuition fee for the duration of the programme. The institution of study shall bill The Ngee Ann Kongsi directly.
7 The Scholarship shall be revoked in the event of one of the following:
7.1 The awardee is in receipt of another scholarship for the same programme;
7.2 The awardee is convicted of a criminal offence;
7.3 The awardee participates in activities or acts in a manner which is, or is likely to be, adverse to the interest of The Ngee Ann Kongsi or which causes or is likely to cause embarrassment to The Ngee Ann Kongsi; or
7.4 The awardee is expelled by the institution of study.
8 The Ngee Ann Kongsi reserves the right to revise the rules and regulations without notice.
III Application Period
Universities shall contact The Ngee Ann Kongsi on the submission of applications. Interviews for shortlisted applicants are generally conducted in July in conjunction with the interviews for shortlisted applicants for The Ngee Ann Kongsi Tertiary Awards, which are administered by Kongsi.
IV Enquiries
Please contact: nak_pgs@thengeeannkongsi.com.sg